Racial Techniques


Digital Targeting
Prerequisite: Android
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with Energy Weapons.

Manual Overrides
Prerequisite: Android
Bonus: You can ignore the first time your engine is critically hit each combat.

Manual Targeting
Prerequisite: Android
Bonus: You can ignore the first time your sensors are hit each combat.

Overheat Resistance
Prerequisite: Android
When you roll an Engine Shutdown roll and dislike the result, you may re-roll one D20 of the attempt.  If the reroll still fails, you must accept the result.


Blinding Light
Prerequisite: Anomaly
Bonus: Targets hit by your blinding attacks have a -1 penalty to Piloting Checks to resist blinding.

Light Absorption
Prerequisite: Anomaly
Bonus: Reduce the damage any Energy weapon does to you by 1, to a minimum of 1 on a hit.

No Fear of Light
Prerequisite: Anomaly
Bonus: You are immune to blinding effects.

Pureness of Light
Prerequisite: Anomaly
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with Energy weapons.


Amphibious Evolution
Prerequisite: Dolviss
Bonus: You ignore penalties to attack rolls under water.

Hardened Exoskeleton
Prerequisite: Dolviss
Bonus: You gain a +3 bonus to Pilot Consciousness checks.

Melee Affinity
Prerequisite: Dolviss
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with Melee weapons.

Melee Evolution
Prerequisite: Dolviss
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls involving Melee weapons.


Airborne Pounce
Prerequisite: Felixian
Bonus: You gain a +2 bonus to piloting checks to land after a Jump or Death from Above, and a +1 bonus to attack rolls when making a Death from Above attack.

Enhanced Vision
Prerequisite: Felixian
Bonus: You get a +2 bonus to piloting checks involving blindness.

Increased Cover
Prerequisite: Felixian
Bonus: When you have cover from terrain or a structure, increases its defensive bonus by 1.

Strong Balance
Prerequisite: Felixian
Bonus: You gain a +2 bonus to piloting checks when attempting to Stand Up.


Crouched Aim
Prerequisite: Heavy
Bonus: If you don’t move during your movement phase except to rotate, you gain a +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls during that attack phase.

Crouched Movement
Prerequisite: Heavy
Bonus: Reduce the movement penalties of natural terrain and obstacles for your Mech by 1.

Damage Resistant
Prerequisite: Heavy
Bonus: You ignore the first Pilot Consciousness check you have to make in a combat.

GEL Affinity
Prerequisite: Heavy
Bonus: Increase the beneficial effects of GEL packs you administer in any way by 1.


Human Defense
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Once per combat, you may force someone who just hit you to reroll the attack against you.  This can negate a critical attack roll.    You must keep the result of the second roll.

Human Determination
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Once per combat, you may reroll a failed Pilot Consciousness check.  You must keep the result of the second roll.

Human Drive
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Increase your running speed by 1.  This works with similar bonuses, but is calculated after all other bonuses.

Human Endurance
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: If your pilot would die, it can instead make a Piloting Roll.  On a modified 20+, it does not die but is instead unconscious, and will survive the combat if left unbothered.

Human Luck
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Once per combat, you may reroll a failed attack roll.  You must keep the result of the second roll.

Human Moxy
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: If you roll a Critical Threat and it produces no result, you may subtract one from the roll and see if it triggers anything.  If it does, that modified roll must be kept; it cannot be further modified.

Human Spite
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Once per combat, you may reroll one location die of a hit you just scored on a target.    You must keep the result of the second roll.

Human Thinking
Prerequisite: Human
Bonus: Once per combat, you may reroll a failed Engine Shutdown check.  You must keep the result of the second roll.


Critical Foresight
Prerequisite: Irikrizi
Bonus: Once per combat, you can either reroll a Critical Location roll you made against an opponent, or force an opponent to reroll a Critical Location roll against you.  The second result is final.

Melee Foresight
Prerequisite: Irikrizi
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to defense against Melee attacks.

Missile Foresight
Prerequisite: Irikrizi
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to defense against Missile attacks.

Ranged Foresight
Prerequisite: Irikrizi
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to defense against Ballistic and Energy attacks.


Graceful Movement
Prerequisite: Spacer
Bonus: Reduce the movement penalties of natural terrain and obstacles for your Mech by 1.

Graceful Turn
Prerequisite: Spacer
Bonus: If you do not start your turn with your free rotation, you can use one free rotation at any point during your move, or a second one at the end of your movement.

Superior Fate
Prerequisite: Spacer
Bonus: Once per combat, you may reroll an attack roll; you must keep the second roll as the result.

Superior Targeting
Prerequisite: Spacer
Bonus: When you roll a die for a damage roll and it is not its maximum possible value, you may add +1 to it.


Fluid Movements
Prerequisite: SSS’Dal
Bonus: Your Mech does not take movement or attack penalties for fighting in water.

Second Sight
Prerequisite: SSS’Dal
Bonus: You are immune to blinding effects.

Tactical Fire
Prerequisite: SSS’Dal
Bonus: When your weapon attacks deal heat damage to your target, increase the heat by 1.

Targeting Calculation
Prerequisite: SSS’Dal
Bonus: Once per combat, when a missile attack with random damage is scored on you but before the locations are rolled, you may reduce each die roll for that attack to 1 (the attacker still gains any applicable bonuses).  The damage on each of these attacks must be at least 1.

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