Piloting Techniques

Cooler Flight
Prerequisite: Cooler Momentum
Bonus: Your first hex of Jumping in a round does not generate extra heat.

Cooler Momentum
Prerequisite: Fleet Footed
Bonus: Your running speed generates one less heat.

Cooler Rise
Prerequisite: None
Bonus: Standing Up only generates one heat for you, instead of two.

Extended Flight
Prerequisite: Cooler Flight
Bonus: When you jump at least two hexes in a row, you can jump a 3rd one without using a 3rd Jump Jet.  You can use this even if you don’t have a 3rd Jump Jet.

Fleet Footed
Prerequisite: None
Bonus: Your running speed increases by 1.  This bonus works with all other bonuses, but is only added in after other bonuses are calculated.

Stable Flight
Prerequisite: Cooler Flight
Bonus: Reduce your attack penalty from jumping by 1.

Stand Tall
Prerequisite: None
Bonus: You gain a +1 bonus to all piloting checks to remain standing.

Thick Headed
Prerequisite: None
Bonus: You gain a +2 bonus to Pilot Consciousness checks.

Very Fast Feet
Prerequisite: Fleet Footed
Bonus: Your run speed is now twice your base walking speed, plus any other bonuses.

Player Resources


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