
All of our sample Infantry are currently in a PDF file which you can Download by Clicking Here.  These are some general rules for when the GM allows you to use Infantry:

Deployment: Infantry units can either start in a legal starting point on the board, or they can start attached to a Mech’s legs (or a vehicle, if available).  The amount of critical slots taken up on a leg is listed on the Infantry’s stat cards.  The unit can be split up between both legs, but if the Mech does not have enough critical slots available, it cannot take the units along with it.  Infantry units can be deployed during a Mech’s movement phase for the cost of 1 Movement Point; on their deployment turn, Infantry do not get a move action, and start in the hex where the Mech deployed them.

Facing / Movement: Infantry units have a move speed, and do not care about facing or turning.  They can attack in a 360 degree arc, and can move in any direction, but elevation still costs them extra movement.  Unless they have a jump speed, they cannot climb more then one elevation per round.

Damage while Mounted:  If the Mech is attacked while an Infantry unit is riding it, the unit takes additional damage equal to 25% of the damage done to that leg, rounded up.  If a critical is scored against the Infantry unit on that leg, the attack does an additional 4 damage to the Infantry unit.

Attack and Damage while Deployed:  As an Infantry Unit attacks, its strength is based on the number of units it started the Combat Phase with.  The unit has an attack bonus (and does not benefit from friendly bonuses like C6’s), with a weapon range.  On a hit, determine how many hits the unit has made against the target by the number of troops it started the Combat Phase with.  Each hit does a certain amount of damage as determined by the Damage entry; and each hit generates a separate location roll.  Some units also have special properties per hit, such as extra damage vs Infantry or heat build-up.  Most Infantry units have 20 health; as they lose health, they lose strength.  When a unit is reduced to 0 health, it is destroyed.

Infantry Units are immune to Critical Hits.

Infantry now have a “weapon type” and a “mobility” code word.  The weapon type indicates what type and range of damage they do; the mobility indicates their speed.  All SRM troopers do the same damage, while all Cavalry have the same speed, as an example.  Here is a list of the current weapon types and mobility keywords:

Anti-Mech refers to infantry specially trained to attack the legs of Mechs.  They have to be either in a Mech’s space, or adjacent to the Mech with a range penalty.  Anti-Mech Units do multiple D4’s of damage to a Mech’s leg, with each D4 making a leg targeting roll (Right Leg 1-10, or Left Leg 11-20).  Once a Mech is knocked prone, the Anti-Mech uses the standard targeting table on a Mech.

Flamer units do extra flame damage per hit to the target.  Unlike traditional Mech flamers, they do not do extra damage to infantry.

GEL units are typically immobile as the ammunition is too heavy to carry around.  They fire a short range missile that carries Repair GEL, capable of healing allied Mechs.

Laser units fire short- or medium- range lasers at their targets, and have slightly better precision than other Infantry units.

LRM units are restricted to immobile bunkers as the ammunition is simply too heavy.

Machine Gun units are very anti-infantry, and have a slightly longer range then Rifle units.

Rifle units have the smallest range and do less damage, but also take the least amount of space on a Mech.

SRM units have a longer range than many of the mobile units, but take up more space on a Mech.

Targeting Laser units are typically immobile, and are more of a Command and Control facility that links to its Controller’s C6 network.  This is the only infantry unit that links to a C6.

Battery Units are typically immobile once deployed.  They have larger weapons than mobile units.

Cavalry Units generally have a movement of 2.

Platoons are base units of walking soldiers.

Infantry1 Infantry2

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