
“Mobility is the key to finishing a mission.  You cannot die if the enemy cannot catch you.”

Scouts cover a wide range of Mech types; their goal is simple: keep moving.  Scouts consider their Mechs to be extensions of the bodies, and have a more developed sense of control over their Mech.  Scouts don’t fret obstacles like other pilots have too; they use terrain and positioning to their advantage.

As a Scout, the build of your Mech can vary greatly; the one general constant is mobility.  Your Mech should be built for speed so you can take advantage of your abilities.  Also, don’t hesitate to take routes into combat that others would not dare; terrain and obstacles are your allies, and positioning is your strategy.



  • Second Step: Once per combat, you can reroll a failed piloting check.  You must take the second result.
  • Fast Facing: Once per movement phase, you can take one free facing move as part of your move action; this is in addition to the one at the start and end of your movement.
  • Large Step: Reduce the extra movement required by entering difficult terrain by 1; this can reduce the penalty to 0.  This has no effect on elevation.
  • Improved Joints: Once per combat, you can declare a successful critical against your Hip or Shoulder as a normal hit, ignoring the effect.
  • Quick Step: When you run, you can increase the distance ran to twice your walking speed.
  • Jump Expert: When jumping results in you making a Piloting check (such as Death from Above), add 1d6 to your roll.
  • Very Large Step: You ignore one elevation of terrain while moving, and can move up a 3 elevation increase at the cost of 2 movement points.
  • Third Step: When you use Second Step, you can add 1d6 to the roll.  You can use Second Step twice per encounter.

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