Physical Weapons

Physical Weapons are generally anything attached to an arm or a leg that is used to hit a target adjacent to you, or any other item intended to hit a target directly with a physical object- such as a club or a big magnet.  Physical Weapons tend to generate less heat than other weapons, and have increased damage (although much of it is random), as they have the added requirement of Mech placement.  Most Physical Weapons are attached to a Mech’s arms, but Mechs are also capable of kicking, charging and man other attacks not listed here.

Hands are used for Punching, Charging and Pushing with a Mech.   You can only have one Hand per Arm, and hands can only be placed on arms.  As your Mech gets bigger in size, it can have bigger Hands.  When you use a hand attack, you cannot use any other weapons on that arm.

Feet are used for Kicking and Death from Above attacks with a Mech.  You can only have one foot per arm, and feet can only be placed on legs.  As your Mech gets bigger in size, it can have bigger Feet.  When you use a kick attack, you cannot use any other weapons on that foot, and you can only kick with one foot per turn (No jump kicks, sorry).  When you successfully kick an opponent, it must make a piloting check at the end of the Clean-up phase or it will fall prone.

Clubs are giant metal sticks that a mech can hold (or it can be attached to a Mech’s arm if there is no hand) that allows it to do damage to a few areas of its target.  If a Club is held in a Mech’s hand, it can go over the normal allotment of critical slots available to a Mech’s arm (assuming it is still under 19 slots).  Clubs must be located on an arm

Hatchets are giant metal sticks with a pointed blade on the end, that the mech can hold (or it can be attached to a Mech’s arm if there is no hand).  Hatchets focus all damage on a single part of the target.  If a Hatchet is held in a Mech’s hand, it can go over the normal allotment of critical slots available to a Mech’s arm (assuming it is still under 19 slots).  Hatchets must be located on an arm.

RotoDrills are mechanized construction drills that have been converted into weapons.  They do a lot of damage to a small area, and do extra damage to structures.  They do generate more heat than a hatchet, and unlike a hatchet, and cannot exceed critical slot requirements.  RotoDrills must be located on an arm.

RotoSaws are mechanized construction saws typically used for cutting trees that have been converted into weapons.  They do a lot of damage over a large area, and do extra damage to structures.  They do generate more heat than a club, and cannot exceed critical slot requirements – they take over most of an arm.  RotoSaws must be located on an arm.

GrappleMags are close range tractor beams that hold a target Mech in place.  If you have successfully hit a target with a GrappleMag, the target must attempt a Piloting Check to stand up (even if they are not prone), spending Movement Points and generating heat as thought they were fallen over, to move away from you.  Non-motorized infantry are immune to this effect.  Unlike most Physical Weapons, GrappleMags have no requirement to be placed in your arms or legs.


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